Gerry Gebauer

Steve Greenbaum

Gerry Gebauer / EA, CEBS, MAAA

Gerry Gebauer is a consulting actuary with more than 40 years of professional pension experience. After working with Prudential Insurance, Marsh McLennan / William Mercer, and other prestige firms in the Northeast, he established Gebauer Pension Services, Inc. in 1999. That company became Global Pension Services, LLC and later merged with Altigro Pension Services, Inc. in 2009.

In addition to performing actuarial services for Altigro’s defined benefit plans, Gerry also prepares defined benefit plan and cash balance plan proposals. He is also the company’s lead consultant on 403(b) plans. He oversees DB and DC administrative work and is the senior internal consultant on compliance testing matters.

He hails from Seton Hall University (Bachelor of Science in Mathematics) and is an avid Seton Hall basketball fan. His industry recognition includes:

  • Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS)
  • Enrolled Actuary (EA)
  • Member American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA)
  • Member Society of Pension Actuaries (MSPA)
  • Member of American Conference of Pension Actuaries (ACOPA)

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“Two roads diverged in the wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

Robert Frost

Garry working